Every trend includes:
• Name
• Short summary
• Trends it’s related to
• Examples (people, places, phenomena, businesses or products that evidence the trend)
• Data points (hard stats)
• Links + sources (articles, analysis, art works or media that provide context or additional interest)

We build trends from both ends: sometimes we can start with an idea of a trend, and sometimes triangulate the trend out of examples we’ve already gathered.

Eventually, you compile all of the information into a trend summary with the parts above, create a map of how they connect, and make all of that into a document we can circulate internally.

It’s okay if certain trends have more of a particular element than others. There are no hard rules: this process is fundamentally iterative, a truly “constant beta” project, so I’m excited about sorting out its growth with all of you.

The basic structure
Emily Segal