"Where Grape Leaves Grow", Anna Daliza, Michelle Kuan, Emi Takahashi

@anna_daliza @michelllekuan @emi.taka.hashi

“Where Grape Leaves Grow” is a book by @anna_daliza that tells the history of Maronite Catholics of Lebanon over the last two thousand years, while interweaving the story of Anna’s family, and her experience of growing up as a second generation immigrant in the white-suburbs of South Western Ontario. This narrative is told through a dialogue between two unnamed voices: the voice of a child grieving the loss of their Lebanese maternal family, and what can only be described as a familiar and soothing voice akin to the child’s Lebanese ancestry.

The design of “Where Grape Leaves Grow” honours the story’s poetic approach to dialogue through an expressive and evolving textual layout. Custom-made glyphs representing the growth cycles of a grapevine are embedded throughout the book. The book’s materiality and extended 2-panel cover are inspired by the wrapping of warak enab, Lebanese stuffed grape leaves. Together these elements culminate in a highly intimate and one-of-a-kind artist’s book.

Emi Takahashi

Source: Emi Takahashi on Instagram: “Only 6 day…
Cover image edited on 04/10/24