There's Nothing Unnatural About a Computer
Jarrett Fuller

Source: There’s Nothing Unnatural About a Compu…
36 Connections
Esoterismo Digital
9 blocks
by Cecilia Checa Rios
122 blocks
by Camila Astorquiza
Pondering the orb
23 blocks
by Richard Ley
Techno, eco, cyber, queer, xeno, mystical
40 blocks
by M A
25 blocks
by garrett leaver
Try Technocultural Things
12 blocks
by LaRisa Anderson
Internet Magic
73 blocks
by Calder Anderson
kill da imterneb
214 blocks
by saba °•.
article library
33 blocks
by annabelle ✴︎
unread words
99 blocks
by mia :-)
120 blocks
by pálma fazakas
plexus channel
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by Larry Yrral
reading list
594 blocks
by H I
I am always learning
61 blocks
by Allyson Panton
223. James Bridle
20 blocks
by Scratching the Surface
becoming planetary
69 blocks
by Leona -__-
nonhuman intelligence
30 blocks
by Leona -__-
69 blocks
by latisha wade
474 blocks
by Kim Plowright
gloryholes for the mind
143 blocks
by ༄steven dũng
105 blocks
by Kim Plowright
✳ meta-access research buffer
2322 blocks
by access ecologies
World building
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by Lauren St. Clair
🌫 "how are you" is out, _____ is in
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by shea ,
machine yearning
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by Betsy Ellison
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