To be sensitive is to be emotional, neurotic, paranoid, easily hurt, up tight, amongst other synonyms. Alternatively it is to be intuitive, compassionate, tuned in, conscious of, attuned.

Often when we project this idea onto others we’re expressing in the former not the later. My question is the same as it always has been. What are the down sides to bringing your heart in tune with your mind to your interactions?

To be conscious of your own internal being and to be honest with self that is sensitive. To not confront what takes you out of balance is to form a dishonest relationship with self. When did we become so okay with lying to ourselves? When did we become numb to our range of emotion?

The mind is a trickster but as Jung teaches: what is repressed and suppressed will eventually surface in one form or another.

With that in mind I think being sensitive is the best bet in this short life.

On sensitivity


Kameron Robinson