a red and yellow, colorful, twisting, tubular play sculpture designed by Yvan Pestalozzi in 1972a red and yellow, colorful, twisting, tubular play sculpture designed by Yvan Pestalozzi in 1972
Yvan Pestalozzi, The Lozziwurm, 1972

Thank you @em-vee for providing info about this playscape!

"The Lozziwurm," located outside of Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh, PA.

"On April 27, 2013, the Lozziwurm—a colorful, twisting, tubular play sculpture designed by Yvan Pestalozzi in 1972—was inaugurated at Carnegie Museum of Art. This new public space explores play as the foundation of thinking, making, and experimentation, a key animating concept of the 2013 Carnegie International. The Lozziwurm and surrounding garden will be permanent fixtures at the museum after the closing of the 2013 International."


Another block here: https://www.are.na/block/23289505

Mindy Seu