Since the humans existence, the average temperature of the Earth has increased only. In earlier times, night were even colder and humans slept in night due to absence of light to hunt. This got subconsciously inherited in the upcoming generations: colder temperatures increased the desire to sleep. But still, every human is unique; and has his or her own biological cycle. When the time of sleeping approaches, the body starts releasing a harmone called ‘Melatonin’. Melatonin is secreted by pineal gland and is responsible for the sleep-wake cycle. In fact, the people with insomnia (sleeping disorder) are given small doses of melatonin as sleeping pills. And when the core body temperature reduces slightly, secretion of melatonin becomes faster. Naturally, the core body temperature cools slightly at night time, thus paving the way for the release of melatonin. And when you take bath before going to bed, you actually help your body fall asleep at a faster rate. The body gets bliss when exposed to lukewarm water, and it sooths body better than hot or cold water at the time. Hot and cold water baths have their own advantages, but what really body needs before sleep is one with lukewarm. Both of them are good for waking up, but lukewarm wins at sleeping time. Also, the sight of water relaxes human mind. Taking bath before bed also ensures your disconnection from other activities and thus, relieves both body and mind. But now you know that warm water is better for bath before bedtime, do not use excessively hot or cold water lest it may cause burns or shivers. It is recommended that you use lukewarm water or water temperature nearly that of body.