Ancestral Memory Enclaves

In this workshop series, using “memory objects” – photos from personal archives of one’s family, chosen family, and/or historical records – as windows into ancestral moments, participants employ digital tools to speculatively re-create the space – and the feeling – around the view visible in each photo. Inspired by the re-existencia work of Kazakh artists Aisha Jandosova and Aida Issakhankyzy, the YA literature of Linda Sue Park, and the speculative fiction of Octavia Butler’s Patternmaster series, we talk through different approaches to remembering and being in relationship with ancestral stories – through craft, through narrative, through sensory practices and through spatial reconstruction – and their meanings to those of us with minoritized or diasporic identities seeking re-connection or re-unification.

+ randa hadi

Source: Ancestral Memory Enclaves