Local Seed Bank-Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) | Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung | Palestine and Jordan

A seed bank is a place where seeds are either stored short-term to be used in agriculture or for long-term preservation. The establishment of seed banks in Palestine and the Arab world arose out of the immediate need to preserve local traditional seeds that are the result of centuries of careful selection by farmers. These seeds are facing the threat of extinction as more and more sterile and genetically modified (GM) seeds are taking over the agricultural sector. Sterile and GM seeds are produced by commercial seed companies that claim their purpose is to give the “highest possible yields” under “ideal” conditions. These seeds are specifically developed to be used as part of a “package” along with agricultural chemicals. The largest and most dominant agrochemical and biotech multi-national corporations producing these seeds, such as Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer etc., sell both seeds and agrochemicals.
