Tweet by @heynibras

3 things i see everywhere recently:

  1. most of us are overstimulated. we’ve designed a world too loud, bright and intense for our instruments

  2. we’re suffering from a harshness epidemic: most are far too rough & hard on themselves, and would benefit more from gentleness

all commentary is self commentary

i see this everywhere because i’ve woken up to how overstimulated, harsh and unhelpfully doing oriented i’ve been

on overstimulation: i was on a plane days ago and noticed the announcement speaker was unnecessarily loud, the aircon too cold and the light overly bright

everything was more maxed out than it needed to be—i assume because most people’s senses are a bit dulled by…

on doing: the last mths i’ve been coming to terms with how often i am engaged in smthing. even when i’m meditating i am doing…

how much time do i spend sitting or walking with no input? no podcast, music, phone or conversation. just sitting. how difficult is that to do?


Most people are addicted to doing
– @nosilverv

B. E.
Source: Tweet by @heynibras