my attitude regarding job search
10 of swords: mental problem and despair, the fear of financial devastation (lol)
release fear and negative thinking

what blocks me
the hierophant: associated with learning and teaching. represents the traditions and knowledge necessary to function in society. also stands for education and spiritual lessons.

my skills
queen of pentacles: water of earth. an expert on physical health, the queen is empathetic, pleasant, generous, and loyal.

my secret weapon
nine of wands: strength. intuition and spiritual strength of vision. resistance and willpower. powerful, grounded attitude. integrity and strength on all mental and emotional levels.

what do i need to know about myself?
prince of swords: air of air. animus. creative and intuitive thinking. resolution. dynamic thinking and forward movement. unexpected breakthrough.

advice going forward
the magician: linked with mercury. associated with communication and timing. aware that the ego doesn't create itself alone, magicians open themselves up to the magic of life. they have intuitive feelings for all aspects of communication.

job search spread 2024/04/10
miaoye que