April 29th, 2024

I know it's only spring and that tomorrow is going to be relatively chilly, but today might be the REAL first day of summer. So hot, and everyone so OUT. I sweat and I LOVE it. Or, at least, it was.

On the way home I get caught in an insane downpour. Real April showers. It pours so hard that I decide it would be better to just run for it. There is something so delicious about running in a mini skirt, I book it back to my house as fast as I can, my face and body completely washed in rain that's coming down harder than any shower I've ever taken.

I take a second of cover under a low and well-leaf-populated tree and find myself side to side with a boy about my age. "What the actual fuck," he says, gesturing towards the rain, the rain that keeps coming.

"I know!" I say, sort of elated by the endorphins, by the summer, by the funny under-the-tree-connection. And then, I keep running. I run all the way home.