“Poetic knowledge is born in the great silence of scientific knowledge” Aimé Césaire (1944-45)
“Poetic knowledge is born in the great silence of scientific knowledge” Aimé Césaire (1944-45)

via https://twitter.com/sepoy/status/1204097938890350594

Poetic knowledge is born in the great silence of scientific knowledge.

Mankind, once bewildered by sheer facts, finally dominated them through reflection, observation, and experiment. Hence-forth mankind knows how to make its way through the forest of phenomena. It knows how to utilize the world.

But it is not the lord of the world on that account.

A view of the world, yes; science affords a view of the world, but a summary and superficial view.

Physics classifies and explains, but the essence of things ‘eludes it The natural sciences classify, but the quid proprium of things eludes them.

As for mathematics, what eludes its abstract and logical activity is reality itself.

In short, scientific knowledge enumerates, measures, classifies, and kills.

But it is not sufficient to’ state that scientific knowledge is summary. It is necessary to add that it is poor and half-starved.

To acquire it mankind has sacrificed everything: desires, fears, feelings, psychological complexes.

To acquire the impersonality of scientific knowledge man-kind depersonalized itself, deindividualized itself.

An impoverished knowledge, I submit, for at its inception—whatever other wealth it may have—there stands an impoverished humanity.

Roberto Greco
