Are.na is a place to save content, create collections over time and connect ideas. Privately or with other people.
Students (highly curious and open to new information), hobbyists (deeply into a topic or topics, narrowly focused) or what we call connected knowledge collectors (those more experienced but highly curious information gatherers who can make disparate connections between disciplines) have been the core of our community for 12 years and 353 days
With no ads, likes, or recommendations, Are.na is a more mindful space where you can work through any project over time. It's a place to structure your ideas and build new forms of knowledge together.
How it works
Pricing & Features
$5 / month
or $45 / year
Join w/ Premium
Unlimited public and private blocks
Extract content for links and articles
Table / spreadsheet view for channels
Hide from search engines
Priority support
Premium Supporter
$120 / year
Join as Supporter
Early access to new features
Free Are.na Annual
Bi-annual company reports
The fuzzy feeling of giving a little extra to support an independent company
All premium features
Sign up
Up to 200 total blocks*
*A block is an individual piece of content. Blocks can be images, text, links, attachments, or embeds.
Do you use Are.na with a group?
Learn how upgrading group members works.

Student or Educator?
Learn how to get 50% discount on Premium plans.
All plans include:
Pricing FAQs
Learn more about how students and teachers use Are.na in their classes and workshops.
If you‹re a student, you can get 50% off the price of any Premium plan for two years. If you‹re a teacher and use Are.na with your class contact us for assistance and custom discounts for your students.
Are.na has many co-founders. Currently, a small team is building the platform:
You can chat with them most Friday mornings (EST) on Discord.
Here you can see what we’ve shipped recently, what we’re building next, and how we’re doing as a company.
By sharing this information we aim to demystify the weird and wonderful process of working on a mostly bootstrapped web company. We’re working our hardest to build a space that’s mindful, respectful, and accountable to our thousands of lovely members. We have lots of ideas for how to do a better job, as well as lots of challenges.
This is meant to be as transparent as reasonably possible. If there’s something you don’t see here that you’d like to know, just email everyone@are.na.
Road to self-sustainability
Are.na’s mission is to build a member-supported community. Since we're accountable to our members instead of advertisers, our incentive is always to build a tool that fosters learning and genuine collaboration. This also means that Are.na’s future relies entirely on community contributions. Here’s how you can help:
$ Monthly recurring revenue
Monthly active members
Monthly connections
Total paying members
Goal by Invalid Date
$ Monthly recurring revenue
Premium members get unlimited private content, additional privacy settings, an invitation to our members’ Slack and more features soon. More about Premium:
Go Premium
Premium members currently contribute 
  in monthly recurring revenue.
Premium Supporter
If you’re already Premium and want to chip in a little extra, you can upgrade to our Supporter tier. You’ll receive regular emails from the team, plus a free Are.na Annual.
Become a Supporter
Supporters currently contribute 
  in monthly recurring revenue.
Product Plan
Last updated: Invalid Date
In Progress
Up next
On the Horizon
Last updated:
Company Vision
Last updated: Invalid Date
Revenue & Strategy
Editiorial, Community and Events
We regularly feature essays, interviews, and other writing from the Are.na community, and we publish a printed Annual once a year.
Extended Are.na
Mobile Apps
Browser Extensions
Contact & Support
Find questions and answers in our Help Center.
For support questions, email us at help@are.na.
Find us on Twitter.
For merch, visit our Store.