krip poetics focuses on aesthetics (inventions, innovations, performances, applications, appearances, sub-appearances and meanings etc etc) of black surfaces (interior and exterior). krip poetics is a disability study; krip poetics is one of many embodiment practices. krip poetics is persistent, insistent, remembering, slow, fast, opaque, bangs, transparent, attending, critical, contradictory, prepositional, giving, [un]/careful, clumsy, bone deep, stretched, spastic, calcifying (of or related to calcium),
at the dark, on site, hand the [h]ear, by a light.

krip poetics is critical of the term "hot take".
krip poetics offers the intervention of "cool; give".
hot take emphasizes Man2 uncritical Ability
the Ability to respond Politically
to any culturally produced-seems to be happening
without time or space for reflection.
gotta be the fastest. gotta hit the superlative. best.

this descends into Eugenicist conceit quickly.

hot take takes, or extracts for,
or removes from, its meaning basis for the purpose of producing a commodity.
the hot take is an exercise of competition to assessments of, or practices for, hegemonic power.
the hot take is viable for its Hotness (synonym Beauty), of quick production.
Hotness implies a uniformity of affective labor

cool; give offers a lessening of stress, a lack of immediacy to reply (selective/mutism)
an opportunity to lie down, to process
to give back to oneself and then give to another
cool; give runs counter to Capitalism's rhetoric of class advancement via exploitative taking
cool; give invokes community as a measure of care
cool; give rests upon its semicolon to insist upon the quality of the breath/breathing.

krip poetics is broad and deep, swats away at conceptions of mastery. krip poetics is prodigous in that it exists everywhere and nowhere. to do krip poetics is to cultivate krip poetics within the soil of one's person. in concert, krip poetics both sings and frees us from ableist constraint. sanity is not given nor is it always necessary. what is sanity in conditions like these? what does the insane have to tell us? where are we shutting the insane up? in which was do we exercise arms of Imperialism in our own lives? in which ways do we articulate Institutionalization within our own lives? what happens when we set that part of ourselves free, out of cages? which rants come into voice? what care can we liberate together?

krip poetics is an anti-ableist space which is to say the word able will be interrogated with sincere and cutting question. krip poetics is not a place to punch down. krip poetics is delicate. krip poetics is a place where we can meet in difference, skill, integrity, and respect. krip poetics does not support the casual use of common ableist slurs without critical inquiriy suffusing their implementation. every word matters. krip poetics understands Ableism as Talila Lewis understands ableism

able·ism /ˈābəˌlizəm/ noun A system of assigning value to people's bodies and minds based on societally constructed ideas of normalcy, productivity, desirability, intelligence, excellence, and fitness. These constructed ideas are deeply rooted in eugenics, anti-Blackness, misogyny, colonialism, imperialism, and capitalism. This systemic oppression that leads to people and society determining people's value based on their culture, age, language, appearance, religion, birth or living place, "health/wellness", and/or their ability to satisfactorily re/produce, "excel" and "behave." You do not have to be disabled to experience ableism.<

krip poetics is an offering of space, time, and consideration to curious persons. it is an opportunity to think and feel together. we are in the realm of ideas, feelings, and physicalities.

krip poetics uses a "k" to distinguish itself from the gang, Crips. while much of disability studies uses crip as a recuperative effort upon the word cripple, much of disability studies fails to acknowledge/engage with the importance of gang formation as a political project and consequence of repressive governments. here, we invoke the wisdom of Disability Justice leader, Leroy Moore, and his collaborative efforts to make krip-hop (2007) happen.

Moore has explained that Krip Hop is a play on Hip Hop. Although the Krip part of the name refers to 'crippled', it is spelled with a 'k' to avoid association with the Crips.<

loose thots; cool give