100 ways to share your work + life that aren’t social media

Start an email newsletter

Send a postcard

Call your friends & family

Try out @wearequilt

Create or update your website

Start a blog

Put up a flyer at a local coffee shop

Learn about & implement SEO so people actually see your website

Join a discord channel

Launch a podcast

Make stickers & stick them all over town

Find your local community college & see what continuing ed courses & networking meet-ups they host

Take a workshop & tell people what you do when you introduce yourself

Join a penpal exchange

Sign up to write letters to someone who’s incarcerated

Make a zine

Host a workshop at a fave local or virtual spot like @rec__center

Ship a care package

Put a sign in your window

Put a sign in your yard

Volunteer your expertise to a non-profit or mutual aid project

Write a fan letter/email to your fave artist/author/podcaster/local government official

Invite someone for (virtual) coffee

Join a free online community like the @holisticism hub

Pitch an article about your work to a journalist or publication

Set up a @calendlyhq link so people can easily book time to chat on your calendar

Write a book

Host a book club

Make a playlist

Set up a group text

Let your alumnae association know what you’ve been up to

Place an ad on a radio station

Place an ad in a magazine

Hell, place an ad on a billboard!

Write an oped for the local newspaper

Create your own newspaper & put it in free little libraries around town

Ask a local business if you can put up a flyer in their window or leave business cards by their register

See what’s happening at your local library or rec center & show up for a community gathering

Set up a texting service like CallMultiplier to send text updates

Host your own online community on a platform like MightyNetworks

Schedule a weekly friend date or open “office hours” for virtual or IRL biz & babe hangs

Write an essay for an online or print publication

Pitch yourself as a guest for a podcast

Ask a friend to share your work with their audience

Collaborate with a friend or colleague on an event or offering

Leave reviews for businesses/podcasts/authors you love

Ask customers/clients/admirers to leave you reviews

Create a yearbook or annual report

Develop an app

Create a magazine

Host a webinar

Stand outside & shout to the sky

Rent a booth at a local craft fair / business fair / trade show

Create or update your business cards

Join a local coworking space


Two more words: GRAPHIC TEES

Two final words: FANNY PACKS

Ask everyone you know to tell one other person about your work

Send holiday cards

Make some funny memes

Hang out on a live-streaming platform like Twitch

Read or write fanfiction for your fave series

Hang out at a local coffee shop / book store / bakery / bar & befriend the babes who work there

Send valentines

Host a fundraiser for a fave local org

Start a free little library, pantry or love fridge with your neighbors

Share some of your photos, sounds, or words with a Creative Commons license for free use by others

Go to a virtual conference & actively participate

Put up flyers on all the street corners around where you live

Practice telling people who you are. Record an audio note of yourself saying it over and over again. Write it down 10 or 100 times

Practice telling people how they can work with you. Record an audio note of yourself saying it over and over again. Write it down 10 or 100 times

Create a free presentation about something you’re good at and share it so others can learn from you

Spend time writing or speaking about your ideal client or friend. Imagine them into existence

Go for a walk and look around

Take a drive and look around

Buy domain names for popular things you do and reroute them to your website

Reconsider what you really want to share

Reconsider who you really want to share with

Read The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer to embolden yourself to share and ask for what you need.

Write yourself a theme song

Invest in a session with a healer or coach you admire

Put all your info & links in your email signature

Use a service like @flodesk to set up a free download that you share with people who join your email list

Drink something warm and care for your voice

Make a list of people who do similar things as you and reach out to see if you can collaborate on something

Make a list of people who do way different things than you and reach out to see if you can collaborate

Make a media kit

Take new headshots or promo photos you love

Create a discord or Slack channel for your community

Launch a course on a searchable platform like @teachable

Host a game night or online trivia

Create a useful tool or template using a service like @airtable and send it to everyone you think might appreciate it

Chalk the sidewalk

Commission a mural

Write a guest post for a friend or colleague’s blog

Film a commercial (for tv or just for your website)

Make a giant sign & hire a sign-spinner (or do it yourself!)

Reach out to one new person a day for a whole month

Reconnect with one person you already know each day for a whole month

Actually do something (or a lot of things) on this list

Write your own list of 100 ways to share!