Living Thesis:

Within the eb and flow of freedom and constraint, the human spirit adapts. Our birth right is the ability to reimagine and reassemble the internal architecture and external landscapes which form our reality through the gift of imagination. Facing a world of rapid physical, technological and spiritual change we must now, more than ever, weild our collective and individual imaginations as a form of both resiliance and survival. We face the great challenge of reimaging a world shaped by colonialism which has reduced the divine nature of human beings to machines. Our imaginations have not been lost, they have been systematically supressed and stolen from us. This truth becomes plunged deeper into the light as we find ourselves increasingly plagued and placated by the social diseases of white supremacy, rampant individualism, epidemic lonliness and bi-partisan economic and political polarity. The imagination has been withered by the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual exhaustion of our collective spirit by capitalist driven systems of opression. In order to survive, we must revive our imaginations.
We must reimagine the cultural syntax of our bodies and minds with acknowledgment towards our connection to our planet and one another. We must embrace rest as a force of resiliance and power. We must weild reflection as a source of understanding and wisdom. Most of all we must teach one another to imagine again through curosity and play, opening the portal to a future beyond the fear of inevitability and towards the rich shroud of possiblity which surrounds it.

Living Thesis

Digital Dérive Journaling:

  1. Open a text editor that allows for images such as MS Paint, Apple Notes, Google Docs, or Microsoft Word.

  2. Use or any method of choice to generate 2 distinct words.

  3. Open & search for the article of your first word

  4. Only following links within subsequent articles, find your way to the article of your second word.
    *On this journey, collect 3 images that grab your attention.

  5. When you have reached the article of your 2nd word place your images within your blank document

  6. Beneath the images, write 7 lines of stream of consciousness text.

  7. Date your journal entry, reflect and share.

Digital Dérive: