Highly sensitive people (HSP) may experience a great amount of interaction- interaction within the complex system of themselves and that which is in the outer world around them. Maybe they experience a great deal of and need for connection, interaction, and transference of energy. Maybe it is because the membranes of themselves are more porous or thinner. Maybe there is a high focus on input and output- so that HSP experience a lot of input and therefore a great need to output as well. It’s important to synthesize and move on through the information, sensations, and experiences; it’s important to put something out in equal amount. Maybe HSP are tasked with managing balance- as we all are- through variances of greater amounts: things are experienced more intensely. Maybe movement and flow is incredibly important to HSP. Maybe movement is both easier and more challenging than those who are not as sensitive.
I think I have a great need to commune with the world, with my environment, with those around me- all living things. I think I eat my environment and I eat myself, as in I consume and it becomes a part of me- outside lives within and inside transmutates and reforms within as well. I think my life needs to be shaped in a way where I can frequently have access to positive input and opportunities to creatively output. I think my life needs a better diet. I think it cripples me and malnourishes me to live in an abusive home, to be in isolation, to have a lack of people and different types of relationships in my life, and to close myself off and hide. (Thus minimizing transference and stunting the moving of energy between membranes of self and outside of self) I think I need a space where I can learn and experiment, people that I can trust and grow with, a safe place to live and find comfort, and opportunities to “put myself out there”. I think I need a lot because It is a lot. Life is a lot. It’s everything.
