In having a conversation about Black indigenizations of Cybernetics... I am not arguing that, in a binary way, Black people are a people without goal-orientations, assertiveness, a desire for power/control, or even a monolithic and hegemonic means of achieving goals or valuing things. What I do see in Blackness, Africana Culture, and Indigenous thought, is an emphasis and patterns of practice which focus on "word-power"(magic), relationality, synchronization with global cycles(the Nileometer in Kemet), ambient/affective energy(vibes, moods, thought), generativity rather than abstraction. So, why would Black people engage in Cybernetic thinking? In particular, why would Africans who survived the Middle Passage want to control or bend something else to our will or desires? Cybernetics in Black space might be (and could have been, for all I know) useful as a language for generating and understanding synchronicities, polyrhythms, harmonizing actions--like the Work Song, or tasting dirt to see what nutrients are missing. Achievement of desires comes via process and lifestyle (what rootworkers do is alter the consciousness to engage in different behaviors, they repattern ourn cognition) rather than planning or forcing an outcome (hence the saying, If you wanna make God laugh, say you got a plan). This isn't to say we don't sometimes engage in actions that force outcomes we want, but a pattern in our stories shows that such outcomes are often empty. Even in our workings of energetic devices like gris-gris, charms, etc... These are devices which persuade, attract, magnetize desired outcomes rather than force them to be. I think it's interesting to consider, from a decolonizing stance, how mathematics has been purposed in Imperialist and Indigenous/Nomadic contexts for this reason. We often assume that European(and I mean this in the sense of Europe as a land-mass and a political imaginary/hegemony is born from the Imperialistic conquest of formerly indigenous Germanic, Celtic, Basque, Scots, etc folks) telos (goals and sense of purpose) is universal to all people, when it is not. There is a different set of affective forces driving and animating human life in Black and Indigenous spaces, and they do not revolve around conquest and control, they certainly cannot in this era...