1. BLACK TOURMALINE (opaque black)
    Chakra: 1st, Root or base
    Primary Healing Energy: Grounding, protection, absorbs negativity
    Symptom Healing: A very strong detoxifier. Place it anywhere on the body where there is a blockage. Helps one travel through the unconscious mind to bring the unknown and ignored shadows to the surface so they can be worked with, released, healed and transformed. Helps build greater self control, clarity to the mind, alleviates old beliefs that are self limiting. One of the very best stones for revealing who you truly are and how to grow into your fullest potential.

  2. RED JASPER (opaque red)
    Chakra: 2nd, Sacral or sexual
    Primary Healing Energy: "Supreme Nurturer, vitality, strength, energy, passion
    Symptom Healing: Red Jasper is aligned with the sacral (second) chakra and can provide the "oompf" that many people need to reignite their drive, purpose and vital life forces! It balances yin/yang (male/female) energy for both sexes.

  3. CITRINE QUARTZ (translucent gold/clear/white)
    Chakra: 3rd, Solar Plexus or naval
    Primary Healing Energy: Prosperity, cleansing, energizing, strong will
    Symptom Healing: Helps create abundance, success, and overall positive energy. It is one of the premier stones when one must energize, heal and recharge on any level. Helps concentration, analytical ability and a positive mental attitude. Raises self esteem and joy in life. It is frequently used in Feng Shui (wealth corner), in the meditation space (on altar) and at place of business (in safe, cash register or cash box).

  4. GOLD TIGER'S EYE (opaque gold/brown stripes)
    Chakra: 3rd, Solar Plexus or naval
    Primary Healing Energy: Prosperity, uplifting, confidence, courage
    Symptom Healing: Highly protective. This is a great stone to carry in one's car (along with Yellow Jasper). Important to have during exams or important meetings as it is tied to success at one's endeavors. It is very good for the mind in resolving internal conflicts (i.e. fighting with oneself) when pride and egotism are barriers instead of helpful traits.

  5. FLUORITE (translucent - may be all green, all purple or a combination)
    Chakra: 4th, Heart
    Primary Healing Energy: Focus, clarity, healing
    Symptom Healing: Strong intellectual and learning crystal, helping one organize information and increasing concentration and focus. It is stabilizing and helps balance mind and emotions.

  6. ROSE QUARTZ (translucent pink)
    Chakra: 4th, Heart
    Primary Healing Energy: Unconditional love for self, others
    Symptom Healing: Healing the heart from grief, disappointment, any negative energy. Very helpful in teaching and increasing unconditional love for self (self-esteem), empathy, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance and trust. Very good for mid-life crisis and trauma. Increases one's ability to see life's beauty and joy no matter the circumstances. Uplifting in every way. Use to increase the presence, receptivity and availability of romantic love.

  7. BLOODSTONE (opaque dark green, small red spots)
    Chakra: 4th, Heart
    Primary Healing Energy: Unconditional love for self, others
    Symptom Healing: Bloodstone is a strong stone that can immediately impact one's energy field. It can stimulate one's vitality, courage, sense of the "NOW" and decision making. It has been known since ancient times as having magical properties that can be used to control the weather, eliminate evil forces and direct spiritual energies toward receiving guidance. It should be kept in skin contact as much as possible.

  8. LABRADORITE (blue grey with yellow,blue or green tiny flashes)
    Chakra: 3rd Eye,Crown
    Primary Healing Energy: Inner vision, clairvoyancy, intuition, calming and high spiritual vibration
    Symptom Healing: Known as a stone of transformation, it can help anyone cope with significant change, whether it be in the life passages or circumstantial. It can help prepare one for physical death (transition from physical form). Helpful in relieving stress, anxiety.

  9. Amethyst (translucent purple)
    Chakra: 6th, Brow, 3rd Eye
    Primary Healing Energy: Cooling, calming, "gentle-ing"
    Symptom Healing: Helps to relax, cool down an overactive mind. Amethyst is a "natural tranquilizer" and mitigates the effects of stress on the mind and spirit. It is very good for meditation and generally balancing out the highs and lows. It also adds a layer of protection, and is great for guarding against "psychic attack" or negative vibrations of other people.

  10. Sodalite (opaque dark blue w white veins)
    Chakra: Throat
    Primary Healing Energy: Meditation, intuition, psychic awareness
    Use Sodalite primarily for opening the mind by joining intuition with logic and intellect. Thus, Sodalite is the crystal of choice for atrologers, psychics, tarot readers and channelers. It guides meditation, dreamwork, hypnotic states and opens the subconscious for deeper insights, knowledge and wisdom.

  11. CLEAR QUARTZ ROUGH POINT (clear stone)
    Chakra: Crown (top of head) and All
    Primary Healing Energy: Amplification, spiritual healing, prosperity
    Symptom Healing: Master Healer and staple in virtually every crystal layout, grid and healing session. Use to, heal, cleanse, amplify and recharge on any level. Emotionally and physically it has an immediate and powerful effect to uplift and bring light into the aura. It is frequently used in Feng Shui to cleanse and purify a space. It never needs cleansing and can operate entirely by itself without any other crystal to complement it.