Journal #8 & #9
03/30/21 ––––––– 04/06/21

My brain these last few weeks have been completely scattered. We're nearing the end of this and suddenly I am feeling that I am no where close to where I want to be. I completed my first workshop. It was a small group of three held over zoom and I think that small environment helped everyone open up. It was nice to be able to go through this process and walk through the questions with everyone. At the end I asked them what they thought of the questions, how often have they felt like they thought of them throughout their day. I have another workshop pending for this Saturday. In total that would make 6 completed weaving exercises and I feel as though that is not enough. I was thinking of adding another element to this workshop. Right now, the workshops have consisted of friends, and classmates. I was thinking of maybe adding a 'family' element to it. I was thinking of having my sisters or grandmother do this workshop as well. I think it might be a nice way to re-evaluate ways in which we compartmentalize our own relationships. I'm also interested in Mama Aneb's point that self reflection and analysis is something that needs to be done throughout your lifetime.


I'm not completely against the digital library. I think I just need to spend time organizing and designing the site. Lauren also mentioned spending time on how we should write about our research which might help me tell this story and feel more connected to this 'final' outcome. We'll see what this next week brings as we're entering this crunch time period.

Journal #8 and #9