1. What is fit?
    a. Sarah Perry, Beauty is Fit
    b. Gabe Duquette, Chords and Maps
    c. SR, Generic Fit

  2. Art as Engineering
    a. Haley Thurston, A Better Art Vocabulary pt. 1
    b. Reason/Duquette/Thurston, Art as Engineering
    b. Haley Thurston, The Awe Delusion
    c. Haley Thurston, Christopher Alexander is the Solution to High Modernism

  3. Style & Affect
    a. Haley Thurston, Whimsy
    b. Sianne Ngai, The Cuteness of the Avant-Garde
    c. Sianne Ngai, The Merely Interesting

  4. Art as Fashion
    a. Peli Grietzer, A Letter About Art
    b. SR, Fashion / Oscillation

  5. Information Theoretics
    a. Jeurgen Schmidhuber, Formal Theory of Creativity, Fun, and Intrinsic Motivation
    b. SR, A Theory of Literary Compression
    c. Peli Grietzer, Amerikkkkka

  6. Neuroscience & Predictive Processing
    a. Chris Beiser, summary of Art as Experience
    b. S Reason, On the Erotics of Interpretation
    c. S Reason, Wait What? Sense-making & Sense-breaking in Contemporary Art
    d. S Reason & Tom Rutten, Predictive Hermeneutics
    e. Ray Davis, Neuroaesthetics
    f. Prager, Making an Art of Creativity: The Cognitive Science of Duchamp and Dada

  7. Vibe
    a. Peli Grietzer, A Theory of Vibe
    b. Peli Grietzer, Ambient Meaning: Mood, Vibe, System

  8. Contra orthodoxy
    a. Sam Rosen, But What Are Birds Really?
    b. Gabe Duquette, Belonging > Innovation
    c. Gwern, Culture is Not About Aesthetics

  9. Further Reading
    a. Alexander, Christopher: Notes on the Synthesis of Form
    b. Duquette, Nuance and Tradeoffs
    c. Grietzer, Taxonomy of Social Performance
    d. Gwern, The Melancholy of Subculture Society
    e. Jameson, Viktor Shklovsky Wants to Make You a Better Writer
    f. Reason, New Fiction is Psychic Occupation

Table of Contents